Web Accessibility – WCAG

Digital inclusion for all. It should be possible for all users to read, understand,
and use digital solutions

Our Learning Arena LMS is accessible to all users. An important aspect of our work with the Learning Arena LMS is inclusion and accessibility, which is why we comply with WCAG 2.1 standards. Specifically, this means that our learning platform offers several features that make it inclusive and accessible. 


  • Zoom  Assistance for low vision users
  • Tab Function  Assistance for navigating without a mouse
  • Contrast Colors – Assistance for blind and visually impaired users
  • Screen Reader – Assistance for users who cannot read the text on the screen


Our mission is to offer a learning management system that provides equal access to knowledge and learning for all users, regardless of their abilities or limitations. By meeting the latest WCAG 2.1 standards, we adhere to international standards for web accessibility, meaning that Learning Arena LMS can be used by individuals with various disabilities. This ensures that our platform is inclusive and respectful to all users.



WCAG certification helps us improve usability for all our users. The guidelines in WCAG focus on creating an intuitive and easy navigation experience, making it easier for everyone to access and benefit from our platform. By following these guidelines, we ensure that Learning Arena LMS is easy to use for everyone, regardless of their technical skills.



WCAG certification is also important to us as it helps us comply with accessibility legislation. Many countries, including Denmark and several European countries, have adopted legislation requiring public and private organisations to meet certain accessibility standards on their websites and digital platforms. With the platform’s WCAG certification, we ensure compliance with these laws and create a legally and ethically responsible learning experience.

Would you like to learn more about our Web Accessibility and WCAG?

We’re always happy to have a conversation with you so that you can get a free demo of our Learning Management System.

Our team specialises in digital learning, and we can always tailor a solution that fits your needs perfectly.