Maersk Supply Service

A special e-learning solution for special requirements

Maersk Supply Service is a leading provider of global offshore marine services  for the energy sector worldwide. We serve our customers with a fleet of 30+ vessels manned by more than 1,000 employees both onshore and offshore. Maersk Supply Service brings more than 50 year’s hands-on marine experience in performing complex operations at sea.

At Maersk Supply Service they are using Learning Arena LMS to improve their employees’ skills and train and onboard new employees.

The entire learning universe contributes to providing the employees at Maersk Supply Service with a unique opportunity to constantly have up-to-date knowledge. If you would like to read more about Maersk Supply Service, you can do it here

Learn about Arun’s experiences with Conzentrate and Learning Arena LMS in the video below.


Næste case

Efter et år med Learning Arena LMS oplever Carl Ras allerede store fordele. Deres ansatte uddannes på en effektiv måde.

Vil I gerne vide mere om Learning Arena LMS?

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